Actually sean, there are several Eamon deluxe adventures based on middle earth and lord of the rings.

converted to Eamon deluxe format thus far there is tom zuchowski's thror's ring, (a very exceptional adventure set in moria), and Sam Ruby's game the mines of moria (less good but still fun). There is also sam Ruby's game the forest of fear, based on a raid into mirkwood to rescue aragorn, (a heavy combat hack but a decent one), his adventure the ring of doom based on the last part of lotr throwing the ring into the fire (good fun), an also his game set in the second age The Iron Prison based on a raide into Angband.

Yet to be converted are sam ruby's more complex games the return to Moria, The quest for erebor (based on the hobbit), the hunt for the ring (based on the first part of lotr), and haradwaith, which involves infiltrating the harad lands.

These will doubtless be converted to eamon deluxe in the future, along with Sam ruby's original games.


all the best,


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