Hi mich.

Actually I'm afraid you have your facts slightly wrong. It is not warner brothers, paramount, the bbc or anybody else who put audio descriptions on some dvds in the Uk, it is the Uk's own audio description service, which like many things in the Uk is a charity.

Ironically enough the very reason that only some! films get audio descriptions is that very copywrite law that causes so much problems, since the service are not allowd to put an audio description for a film in the cinema which also appears on the dvd, and with all companies but the bbc, not to describe for tv and then! put on the dvd sales either. There are also some film companies who simply reffuse the rights for audio deescriptions to be made, this is why there is no audio description on the dvds of the Lotr films, indeed I'm quite surprised to hear you say there was an audio described hobbit, since that is one I know the service hear couldn't do (are you sure it was on a uk dvd and not one of those volunteer sites who do soundtracks only but no dvds like blind corners?).

Be that as it may, I suggest you direct your ire at the right people, namely the big coorporate fools, since it is them! who get in the way of audio descriptionns. Indeed one amusing point in the Uk is that while several films at cinemas are audio described with headphones, the cineams only put on audio described performances occasionally "because it may disturb other patrons" even though you don't hear! the audio description accept through a specific set of headphoones.

this also roundly annoys the audio description service as you can imagine.

Since however this is offtopic I'd better stop, but just to put a good word in for the audio description service, for whome I have a lot of respect as they are a volunteer charity who do great work in terms of access, while battling a hole see of corporate dunderheads.

Beware the grue!


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