Hi Decota.

would love to try talisman, but sadly all the printed cards etc put me off rather which is a shame since I love the rules and so on (as I said, my brother is an avid fan and owns the base game plus several expantions).

I actually contributed 20 usd to the project, but i agree the goal was rather insane for what it was trying to achieve.

In terms of payment, well I'd probably be willing to go up to about £25 (around 38 usd), for a standard set of dice (which is about £10 more than the usual D&D set), plus say about £5 (7.5 usd), for each additional dye.

I would! considder paying higher, but not too much higher, for instance if the full set was over about £50, (70 usd), I'd not really see it as worth it, not when Gma dice is free.

I would also suggest if you were considdering this offering several packs of dice. As I said in a previous message there are after all tabletop games that use more dice than the standard, for instance I would need 4 d20's for our weekly mutants and masterminds game, and it'd be nice if I could get those in a pack.

I'm sorry if this pricing sounds devicive, I'm just trying to be absolutely honest. Of course with a lot of accessible things you stick the word "access" on and you can add several more zeroes, but there is a difference betwene acknolidging that accessible stuff is bought less and the blatant gouging that goes on with many makers of accessible things, hence why i suggest roughly twice the price of printed dice, with some discounts for ordering by packs.

All the best,


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