Well tom leaving aside the microsoft issues (since as you know i've yet to find a good use for windows 7, let alone 8), I am very impressed with Time of Conflict's ability with map overview, and i look forward to seeing what the next version does.

If yu'd asked me a few years ago to pick things that I didn't think were doable in audio, I'd have likely included stratogy games such as Time of conflict, simply because of the size of the map, since holding info about a 100 x 100 square board in mind, even for the most spacially aware person is not really going to happen, but with Toc's great overview commands that has very much been the case.

My only concern with Time of conflict is how much customization there will be in the units and whether for instance it would be possible to have units with two weapons or forms of attack. For instance, it miht be rather good fun to have siege artilliary units which could attack very badly when moving, but if left not to move for a number of turns could entrench themselves and start doing actual damage. After all, this is the way cannons, siege towers etc have worked in military situations for many centuries, but I don't know if such a rule exists in Toc, ---- though I'll be interested to see.

Beware the Grue!


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