Unfortunately, one problem with the touchscreen idea, is that as of yet, it's 
not as effective in windows as we would probably like. Certainly not as usable 
as an iPhone, or a Mac with a touchpad. However, I'm sure that this will 
increase as time goes by. NVDA is getting there, but it still quite basic. 
Narrator works relatively well, but obviously it limited by narrators own 
limitations as to what it can access. However when using apps and things that 
narrator can deal with quite well, the touchscreen access with narrator works 
very efficiently.

On 01/05/2013, at 6:37, "dark" <d...@xgam.org> wrote:

> Hi tom.
> touchscreens are the rub however with that one and why I don't want to 
> completely dismiss windows eight, since I do indeed like the touchscreen 
> interface on ios which has an icon setup much as you describe windows 8 
> having, which would I agree be a nightmare with arrows but is great with a 
> touch screen and speech.
> Another part of this however, particularly where things like ribbons are 
> concerned, is why should! a user bother learning a new interface, ---- or to 
> put it a little less bluntly, what extra bennifits are provided with windows 
> 7 or 8 that xp doesn't have, ie, what more will it do for me that justify the 
> time spend learning all this.
> in the case of the Ios screen this was clear. if I wanted to play games like 
> king of dragon pass, as well as access phone functions like text messages, 
> siri etc, I had to learn the interface, there was a clear bennifit to doing 
> so. What however does windows 8 do that xp doesn't that justifies a persons 
> time?
> This is more than just an idle question. For a visually impared user, 
> naturally stuff is more difficult, that is part of life, this means however 
> that a person needs to pick their battles a little more carefully and is my 
> point as to windows 7.
> As you've already said, the practical functionality isn't that much over xp, 
> all it provides is extra trouble and work to learn, so why should! people 
> take the trouble for something that they can do anyway?
> Windows 8 might be another beast entirely since touchscreens have a different 
> set of bennifits to keyboards, which is why I will likely wait to try windows 
> 8 (and specifically windows 8 with a touch screen), before making up my mind 
> entirely on the subject.
> Beware the Grue!
> dark. 
> ---
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