Some creeps browse mailing list archives. Not that all archive browsers are 
Tyler Z
On Mon, 16 Dec 2013 19:11:45 -0500, Thomas Ward wrote:

>Hi Ken,
>I noticed that as well. Whoever is behind these attacks is very
>familiar with our list and the people who frequently send posts to
>this list. Had I not known any better the faked moderator messages
>appeared to be from me, but of course I knew for 100% sure they
>weren't from me, but the fact is as fakes they were certainly
>believable. The person took time and lots of thought of attempting to
>imitate my grammar, style, and accuracy. I guess this person is on
>this list or has been a member for some time to pick up that kind of
>detailed information about his intended victims.
>On 12/16/13, Ken Downey <> wrote:
>>Yet they aren't so insane as to be unable to, to some degree, accurately
>>emulate posters. I recently did a games we wouldn't like to play post, and
>>that was used, and he tries to emulate the gramatical ecumen of posters, so
>>when he writes as tom he writes full-length, well-punctuate sentences. He is
>>a very sick individual, whoever he may be.
>>Check out my games at
>>and my music, and that of my band, at
>> .
>>Also, check out, "The Believer and Skeptic Show," at iTunes!
>>If you want to reach me, you can call 419-744-0517, friend me on Facebook,
>>(KenWDowney,) or write me at .
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