Hi Josh,

Well, keep in mind that writing scripts for Window-Eyes is completely
different from game programming. I know that Chip is a talented
developer, is a skilled developer, but to my knowledge he has never
written any audio games so probably is not the right person to ask
about game programming. Game programming and general purpose
programming are similar but not the same thing.

Also the classes Chip offers for Window-Eyes scripting are for Visual
Basic Scripting. While possibly helpful from a general purpose
programming point of view that will not help you with game programming
accept on a very basic level. You need a programming language better
suited to game programming, and will have to learn to use the various
APIs for sound, input, speech, etc. BGT, of course, wraps all those
things for you, but if you are looking into something a bit more
flexable there are other options such as Python.


On 2/27/14, Josh <joshknnd1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I asked chip orange if he would do some game programming classes on a
> team-talk server. His audio classes and accompanying examples for
> window-eyes scripting are excellent! he seems to be one of the few
> people who can both program, and also teach and explain things in a way
> with lots of examples that even a complete beginner like me can
> understand. so I emailed him and asked him. of course maybe as I delve
> deeper into the window-eyes scripting some of that would lend itself to
> making simple games. oh and don't forget even if I did make side
> scrollers I could make eventually make a really really big one with lots
> and lots of sounds, music and levels and objectives. so even simple
> games can get complex in their own way I guess and that would be fun.
> Josh
> using windows7 laptop

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