Another consideration is that much of programming is logic and creativity.

Math can come into this in the form of simpler work with variables as Thomas 
has said but important concepts are the logic of how a program will function 
and what you need to do creatively to make that happen. Once you learn the 
tools you are offered by a language, you can then use those tools in a creative 
way, putting them together in an order so that your program logically does what 
you would like it to do.

Sometimes you may not need any math at all, depending of course, on what you 
are trying to do. In other words, you may find that the tools you need are 
already given to you in the language you are working with to save you doing the 
math yourself.

A quick example of this is generating random numbers and testing them. Most 
languages have a function which already just gives you a random number for 
free. You can then use a skill you already have, to tell whether or not that 
number is less than or greater than another number so you can tell your program 
to do something randomly.

Does that make sense?


Cara :)
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On Feb 27, 2014, at 9:59 AM, Thomas Ward <> wrote:

Hi Josh,

Well, let me reiterate that the math skills you do have such as basic
adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing, etc is sufficient for
very simple and basic games. You do however have to understand the
basics of how Algebra works such as assigning and using variables in
formulas like a = b+c as that is just how programming works. Although,
you do not have to worry about more complex aspects  of Algebra such
as factoring. I can't think of any specific cases where you would need
to do factoring in games.

If we are talking a fairly simplistic side-scroller, for instance, you
can do something like x = x+1 to move one coordinate to the right or x
= x-1 to move one coordinate to the left. That is very simple stuff to
do using very basic Algebra, and I think is well within your stated
math skills.

As far as pi if you aren't dealing with angles and so on then you
don't need to know what pi is and how to do calculations with it
unless you are writing something that really requires geometry. In
that instance most languages have a  built in variable specifically
for doing pi calculations which is far more accurate than 3.14159.

As far as chemistry goes that has absolutely no bearing on games so I
wouldn't worry about it.

As far as physics goes as I have mentioned before that depends on the
type of game and the complexity you are aiming for. Since you are not
dealing with 3d graphics and such you can mostly skip trig, geometry,,
calculus, etc unless you are doing some more advanced type of audio
game such as an aircraft or racing simulation. If you stick to simple
text adventures, card/board games, and fairly simplistic
side-scrollers then you will be able to get by on your math skills.

To summarize my thoughts I know that programming for a lot of people
seems very complex, and to a certain degree it is. However, the
general rule of thumb is the more math skills you have the more
realistic and more complex stuff you can program. If you are not very
good at math that does not mean you can not program games and other
stuff it just means your games and such will be a bit more simplistic
and limited to what you can do. Just do what you can with the skills
you do have, know your strengths and weaknesses, and do the best you
can. If it turns out all you can write is basic games like Blackjack,
Poker, Football, or something slightly more complex like Awesome Homer
there is nothing wrong in that. At least you can do something even if
it is not as complex as say Tank Commander or 3D Velocity.


On 2/26/14, Josh <> wrote:
> let me help you further by telling you what my math skills are in a list
> here...
> good skills
> 1. adding
> 2. subtracting
> 3. multiplying
> 4. division.
> 5. decimals.
> 6. I know pi is 3.14159.
> 7. percents.
> 8. less than and greater than.
> things I am bad at or don't want to touch.
> bad skills.
> 1. algebra.
> 2. factoring.
> 3. trigonometry.
> 4. calculus
> 5. physics
> 6. chemistry.
> the above things the stuff I'm not good at list is interesting to learn
> about in documentaries or on itunes-u. but in reality I'm just not good
> at those kinds of advanced maths. so.. what could I do with the list of
> things I am good at. and if numbers are big I use the calculator to help
> me out.
> Josh
> using windows7 laptop

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