you are probably right, and most of the time I don't mind that but I'd still like the local account option and have it as the account for ms stuff was a secondary thing and not a primary thing.
and have the ability to log in and out as I wished thats all.

At 02:18 a.m. 26/10/2014, you wrote:
Hi Shaun,

Well, as the MS account is pretty much core to Microsoft's new
security policy as well as their services I definitely don't see that
going away. Its one of those things people will either learn to live
with or will have to go Mac or Linux instead.

As for the Start Menu I've read it is suppose to make a return in
Windows 10. As I understand it Windows 10 will have an option to
enable some sort of classic mode which is similar to Windows 7 with a
Start Menu or a Metro style interface similar to Windows 8. So that at
least isn't totally out of the question here.

As for their cloud accounts I don't see that going anywhere either. A
lot of commercial software is going to the online approach and I
foresee Microsoft doing something similar to google where you'll run
Microsoft Office and other apps online via the cloud and your desktop
or laptop will be for local files but the OS and applications will be
accessed via the cloud.

Don't believe me just look what Google has done with Chrome OS.
Basically, if you start up a Chromebook all you get is a web browser
that allows you to run gmail, Google drive, Google docs, etc and
nothing is accessed on your Chromebook. Its all in the cloud. I'm sure
Microsoft would be happy if they could do the same as they could
charge for subscriptions rather than pay for people to buy software

On 10/25/14, shaun everiss <> wrote:
> who knows josh.
> personally ms will have to do several things which they won't do.
> 1.  scrap the ms account as a must when logging in and making local
> account hard to find or create.
> 2.  bring back the start menu in 7 without any extras or even xp.
> they won't do that.
> 3.  forget about their cloud account as extras,.
> 4.  bring back the xp interface ie8 etc which for an interface was quite
> good.
> I have family that due to security and other things have a system
> with offline on everything they don't even use the net with it.
> win8 is what is used  but most of that is online cloud stuff ms account,
> etc.

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