Hi Shaun,

Well, I'd say it all depends on the blind organization in question.
Certainly they each have their own motives and agendas for doing what
they do, and it sounds like based on things Dark has said about the
RNIB they precisely have the attitude you describe in your message.
However, the same can't be said for all blindness organizations around
the world. I of course can't speak to those in your home country, but
here in the USA blindness organizations are geared for job and
employment training therefore have a business outlook on blindness
related matters. They often times don't have interest in games and
other entertainment because it is all secondary to getting their
clients trained and helped into getting out on their own and getting
gainfully employed. Playing games has nothing to do with navigating
the job market so doesn't get much attention from organizations.


On 6/17/15, shaun everiss <sm.ever...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Maybe josh, I have misgivings on blind organisations taking a serious
> look at gaming in general over educational card and board though.
> Its about all they are interested in.
> I had a project I was going to do with schools on a old unused
> laptop, but suddenly it fell through.
> Then there are those that get games that don't necessarily portray
> what the gaming industry is now yet they are marketed as what the
> blind play and always play.
> In an extreme example if I was told that all blind and disabled
> people were poor helpless and stupid I'd probably believe them.
> In gaming terms if I was told that board games were all we could ever
> play and didn't get the net or other ways or was to scared to look at
> other ways I'd probably believe that to.
> My point I don't trust some of these organisations, they have their
> own agendas and interests.
> At least I think they must.
> I know there are big game developer conferences but the point is
> there are so many potential developers.
> The fact with tech and such getting better and better means things
> are not as dyre as it once was but even so.

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