Hi Tom.

I wouldn't go as far as actually sending the guy hate mail, and I confess my wish that leasy fails was a little bit of bile on my part, however my thoughts on piracy are actually serious ones, sinse frankly if something is made unavailable, that is the time people are going to turn to piracy, even people who would not normally do so. This has as I said, already happened with the Bsc titles, code factory and bavisoft.

While sending actual hate male and getting nasty is going further than I would, I can understand the impulse behind it sinse frankly this chap is behaving abominably, ---- and yes, even if it is in line with business, that doesn't stop it being abominable (quite the reverse in fact sinse more frequently than not good business is just a psudonim for grasping and greedy).

the game already exists as a stand alone program, it doesn't rquire jaws or any screen reader, there is absolutely no need for this, and I ultimately don't think it'll do him much good in the long run.

As to the community, well it's part of the problem with any small community, bad feelings go further sinse there is no getting away from them, (look at the salem witch trials). As I said, actually attacking the guy for all I my less than stellar opinion of what he's doing to such a great game as Q9 is far further than I would go, and I do understand the impulse behind it even if I don't agree with the behaviour.

Beware the grue!


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