Hi Nicol,
In the Sarah game the layout of the playing area will be more like Shades of 
Doom than like Pacman.
There are dead ends and rooms that you need to enter to find items.
The coins you pick up in the Sarah game are like the fruit in Pacman but you 
need to use the money to buy candy in the candy store to get energy.
I will be revising the manual prior to the release of the game with changes 
from the manual that is now posted.
Since the game is based on the castle in the Harry Potter books it still 
would help you a bit to read the books.
I have one beta tester that has not read the books and she can find most of 
what is in the game.
On each floor Dobby is there to help you a bit if you can not find 
He does not give you the exact solution to where something is but just a 
I am sure someone will produce a walk through once the game is finished in 
case you get stuck in not being able to figure out a puzzle.
And about the levels since you start out on level1 and can not go to level 0 
I changed the name of the levels to chapters.
You can go directly from chapter 3 which is the second floor to chapter 14 
which is the chamber of secrets if you know where the entrance is and use 
the correct password.
And I guess someone who has not read the book Chamber of Secrets might find 
it hard to do that!
I will be writing a short text article that will give non Harry Potter book 
readers some help but I can not give away too many secrets or it will make 
the game too easy!
Unlike Shades of Doom, you do not have to visit all 14 chapters to win the 
I put the final chapter on level12 since that was the last level in an 
earlier version of the game but since then I added two other levels but 
again the number of the chapter does not mean much.
When you enter the library you will find books that are talked about in the 
Harry Potter books but when you examine them you will only get a short 
snippet of text read to you.
Some of the books will help you while others may bite you.
At the beginning of the game Sarah knows twelve spells but some of them she 
can only do a limited number of times. So reading the books will not add to 
the types of spells but will add to how many times she can use them.

Hope this answers your questions.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "nicol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Audyssey Blind gaming Gamers discussion list" <Gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2007 5:03 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] pack man versus sarah,a lot of questions from an itching 
curious gamer

> HI phil and all
> I'm patiently waiting for the game to be released. I just have a couple of
> questions.
> I came across many similarities between pack man and sarah. According to 
> my
> understanding, by reading both games'  manuals, pack  man and  sarah works
> on the same principle.Where you are  eating dots and the bonus object in
> pack man you pick up coins, magical items and sweets insarah.
> Is the ghost orchestra something similar to the poltergeists in the ghost
> home in pack man?
> Will the sarah  manual that is included with the game once it is  released
> differ from the manual you  put up on your website which we can read at 
> this
> stage?
> Long ago you said that one will not get stuck in the game completely if 
> one
> doesn't have an understanding of harry potter books, but reading  harry
> potter books do benefit you in playing the game.
> Phil you said  that for those who haven't read the harry potter books, you
> will include a harry potter excerpt in the manual.
> Am I correct that sarah and pack man works on the same principle?
> I would like to know if the passages in sarah is like those in pack man.
> In pack man you will never get a passage where pack man will say|: the
> passage  terminates abruptly, except if you enter a power pill alcove 
> which
> is  empty, in other words if you ate the power pill and you pass by that
> same  alcove later on and you enter that same  alcove again, pack man will
> say: the   passage terminates abruptly.
> But other than that no passage in pack man  terminates abruptly. It's a
> round passage just turning left  or right all the time. Well the passages
> terminates but not  abruptly,  the passage either terminates in a left or
> right turn.
> Is the passages insarah going to work on the same principle or  will there
> be passages insarah that ends abruptly like in sod?
> In sod, a passage terminates abruptly meaning you have to turn 180 degrees
> to go the other way, you cannot turn left or right.   At most levels in 
> sod,
> at the end of the level, you will get a door and then the eva will say: 
> the
> passage terminates abruptly. In pack man you never have to turn 180- 
> degrees
> if a passage terminates, its either a left or a right turn.The manual said
> that the dungin level is level 11 and the ground floor and basement is 
> level
> 1. but suppose I buy the full game and I'm playing in chapter1 which is 
> the
> ground floor and basement, is it possible to go directly from chapter 1 
> to
> chapter 11 or do I first have to play chapters 2 through 10?.
> Once I'm in the dungin is It possible to go back to chapter1 which is the
> ground floor and basement?
> And  chapter 12 is the kwiditch pitch and chapter 13 is something else. I
> thought the kwiditch pitch is the final challenge in the game, why  is
> kwiditch pitch then chapter 12 with chapter 13 being  something else?
> My intentions is pure. Phil is a great developer, I will patiently wait 
> for
> him to release the game.
> Phil is really an awesome developer. My intention with All These 
> questions
> is not to ask for spoilers,  in other words, if phil or anyone can answer
> these questions, it will not spoil the game before I even bought it.
> The thing is guys : I don't want to buy a game  which is very complex. I
> know the manual clearly said:  game play is simple.
> It sounds to me from reading the manual that sarah works the same as pack
> man. Sarah is in a certain sense a bit more extensive. In pack man you 
> only
> eat  dots and the bonus object and scare and avoid 4 ghosts.
> In sarah you pick up numerous kinds of objects and eat stuff and you scare
> not only ghosts but creatures by casting spells instead of eating a power
> pill and you also unlock doors in magical ways.
> Something else which puzzles me: I noticed that the divination classroom 
> is
> a chapter on its own.  Is one classroom a large playing area where I can
> also pick up objects and scare creatures?
> Does every single chapter in the game entails picking up objects or 
> running
> from ghosts.
> Can I get by in the game with only the manual's instructions without 
> having
> to read and memorize  harry potter books?
> I suppose so. like the sweets, like you told me earlier. The harry potter
> reader will know from reading the books that cockroach clusters decreases
> the character's magical energy, but for those of us who didn't read harry
> potter books  we have to  taste the sweets and from that distinguish which
> ones is good for sarah.
> The following  statement  is found in both the pack man and sod manuals:|
> Shades of doom immerses the gamer in a world of action and suspense.
> Pack man talks immerses the gamer in a   world of fast movement and
> suspense.
> I noticed that this statement is not in the sarah manual. What would you
> call it in the sarah manual, also action and  suspense?
> Guys let me Tell you something. This post is mainly to make sure that I 
> will
> be a happy customer.
> Let me  quickly relate something. Here in south  Africa if you visit  a
> music store you are allowed to listen to a cd before buyhing it.
> If I found a cd which I like then I can have a listen to it. The customer
> personnel will insert the cd into a hifi in the shop and then hand me the
> head phones and remote and show me where to press for forwards and 
> backwards
> skip.
> Then I can  listen to each song on the cd, not entirely, just a piece and 
> I
> can skip it whenever I want to go over to the next song.
> With this example I would like to say to phil that I hope the demo will
> give me a feeling what the entire game is like.
> I'm bringing this up as phil said the library  is not in the demo.
> I'm afraid of something when I buy the game phil.
> Say for instance I play the demo of sarah and I like it: picking up 
> magical
> objects and scaring creatures and now I buy the game.
> Now it  happens that later on in a later chapter the game gets  extremely
> complex and I find that its not my kind of game. Well yes then I supported
> the developer  financially  but I bought a game which isn't my kind of 
> game.
> I'm afraid of one thing phil: let me put it this wayh: the library; is it 
> a
> set of e-books read by the sarah   voice upon which I have to base game
> play?
> In other words do I have to listen to a narrating of a book for an hour 
> and
> then understand what the book says and then play the game according to
> that?" or is the library only short pieces of information?
> For example: I walk into  the library. I approach nick, I scare  him with 
> a
> spell. I walk further into  the library, I hear sarah announces an object.
> When I get closer its an information titbit on how to use a spell.
> I pick up the item and I go into my inventory and I press x on the booklet
> and sarah reads to me a little booklet on how to use a spell?
> Or is it working like this:
> I walk into the library. Sarah a nnounces an object. I pick it up. I go 
> into
> my inventory.
> The moment I press x an hour of narrating precedes after which game  play
> resumes?
> That's what I'm afraid of.   It will be nice if the library is only little
> pieces of information that helps me in game play like the messages in sod.
> Hay phil
> How does the footsteps in sarah sound like? Is it also the same footstep
> sound as in sod?
> The marauder's map: if I have to solemnly promise that I'm up to no good: 
> do
> I have to answer yes by typing y on the keyboard?
> Appologies  if I confused any one with these lots of questions, but I'm
> overly excited about sarah, my stomach is tturning around of excitement.
> sincerely

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