Michael. May I suggest you please take the following points under 

1: For many blind people, the option simply does not exist to "go and play 
the original game" because it is a completely graphical game. For this 
reason alone, making an audio version which will be accessible to the entire 
visually impared community is an extremely worthwhile thing to do in and of 
itself, in the same way that converting books into braille and large print, 
making modifications to websites or software for screen readers and 
magnifyers, and producing audio descriptions (or indeed subtitles), for 
films are worthwhile things to do, simply because they decreace the amount 
of activities, choices and pleasures which disabled people cannot engage in 
by virtue of possessing a disability.

2: given that producing an accessible game remake is a worthwhile thing to 
do, if that remake can preserve the best elements of the original game, then 
it is clearly a successful remake, using the original layout is therefore an 

3: I'm afraid I fail to understand precisely what you mean by "bringing the 
blind community into the 21st century" As far as I know, there weren't any 
audio games produced in 1984 when the original Monti was published. given 
that Audio game developement started much later than mainstream game 
developement, and involves far fewer resources etc, it does not seem that 
comparing audio games to "modern" games is either a fair or reasonabel 
comparison. Given the state of audio game developement, any audio game that 
takes a step forward, introduces inervative features etc is "Bringing bthe 
blind community into the 21st century."  Montizuma's Revenge represents a 
large step forward in audio game developement, sinse it will be the first 
audio 2D exploration platformer, as well as the first audio game to feature 
extensive vertical as well as horizontal scrolling in a completely 2D 

4: sinse montizuma's revenge has recieved two graphical remakes, ----- one 
involving highly complex 3D graphics submitted to the retroremakes.com 
competition in late 2006, Montizuma's revenge may in fact be considdered a 
"modern" game even by the standard you seem to be employing. More generally, 
the 2D platforming genre continues to be extremely popular in the mainstream 
gaming world, with games like Mega Man Zx being released for the nintendo Ds 
in 2006, with a sequel already well in developement.

5: sinse Thom's montizuma game will employ features such as saving, and use 
extensive well-sampled audio, which certainly would not have been available 
to the Parker brothers in 1984, even if your claime that audio games should 
be "Modern" is justifyable, montizuma's revenge stil qualifies in many 

All the best,


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