Now I'm speaking backwards. A dynamic ip address has no guarantee of 
staying the same is what I meant to say. In short, Dynamic ips are not 
guaranteed, and static ips are guaranteed to remain the same.


Raul A. Gallegos ..

Raul a. Gallegos said the following on 8/10/2007 9:21 AM:
> Tristan. Please don't spread false information <smile>. You have it 
> completely backwards. A dynamic IP address is one which changes often or 
> one which is not guaranteed to change. Some isps like Comcast hand out 
> dhcp addresses which may refresh only once a month while other isps like 
> Verizon may hand out ips depending on when you connect via dsl and so 
> your ip  may change more often. Again, these are prime examples of a 
> dynamic ip address. This is why there are such services like 
> and so that one can map a hostname to an ip 
> address no matter when it changes. This way, if you are running a game 
> server for example, people only need to know your hostname, IE: 
> and that way they can connect to you regardless of 
> what your IP address is.
> Static ips on the other hand do not change. If you have a static ip 
> address, it means that no matter how long you are or are not connected 
> to your ips, you will always have the same ip address. Verizon only 
> hands out static ip addresses to business type of accounts. Other 
> companies like Qwest and speakeasy will give you a static ip even if 
> your account is a residential one.
> Hopefully this will clear up any misunderstandings.
> --
> Raul A. Gallegos ..
> Tristan said the following on 8/9/2007 9:13 PM:
>> Dynamic is like perminant, but on my verizon it isn't it changes about every 
>> week. Static always changes (every hour).
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