in the below email you are totally wrong in your understanding of 
dynamic and static ips.
Dynamic ip changes every time you connect to your provider, and is 
what all providers give there customers.
Static ip never changes and costs allot more for not changing.
now just because you have seen your ip not change. That don't mean 
you have a static ip. it just means that your provider has control of 
when it changes and everything else that your modem does.,,sid8_gci520967,00.html
if your going to give tech info at least look it up on google to be 
sure, because bad info can cause bad things to happen to boxes.
At 09:13 PM 8/9/2007, you wrote:
>Dynamic is like perminant, but on my verizon it isn't it changes about every
>week. Static always changes (every hour).
>p.s. Its extraordinarily awkward, because there has been like noone talking
>on the list for like two hours straight, going on three hrs. Hmmmmmmmm.
>wowhwowhwowhwowhowowowowowowowowowowow! lol.
>Tristan Bussiere
>Owner/Main Developer
>ACE Games
>Skype: Tristanbussiere
>AIM: gitrdone9632
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Robert Montowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
>Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2007 8:57 PM
>Subject: Re: [Audyssey] game idea:Battle Bot match
> > Ok,
> > you are using terms here that confuse me totally.
> > I know nothing of host versus IP?
> > I kind of understand dynamic versus static...but only barely.
> > Can you fill in more on what you are talking about?
> > is this free or do I have to put out some extra money?
> > Robert
> >
> >
> >
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