Hi Thomas,

Thank you very much for saying that you also appreciate my games.

I do listen to suggestions from people, however I found out a long time ago 
that no matter what you do you can not please everyone.  So at some point you 
have to make a decision and just go for it.  And then there is the keeping true 
to your original concept of the game and how you want it.


----- Original Message -----
Hi Jim,
I appreciate your games as well. NFL and Monopoly are two of my favorite 
games. Though, I think I am not getting my point across or making myself 
very clearly understood.
All I have ever asked of you was to listen, and be more flexable to end 
user suggestions,input, and or advice. That is all.


As Miss Barbara always said: Do be a Do Bee, don't be a Don't Bee.

(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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