Hi Phil,
Hmmmm.... That's an interesting idea. Though, it is a bit complex to 
release this close to the deadline I have set myself for getting 1.0 out 
for sale.
I really want Montezuma's Revenge out before Christmas, and that is one 
reason I am not exactly turning away everyones ideas, but electing to 
postpone the more complex suggestions for say a 1.1 or 1.2 free upgrade. 
I've had the game in my posession for over a year and not recieved a 
dime for it's development and would like to begin bringing in some cash. 
After that I can release free upgrades to paid customers.
One update I'd like to eventually add in is a score board and score 
posting system, but I'm not going to do it until I've made something off 
the game to begin expanding the game like that.

Phil Vlasak wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> I had a thought about how to change the sound and action of the creatures 
> based on the status of the torch.
> If the torch is on, the creatures move at the normal speed at full sound 
> volume.
> But if the torch is off, the creatures move at half speed with half their 
> sound volume.
> The slower speed would represent  them not seeing you in the dark and not 
> knowing where you are.
> The lower volume would represent not seeing them as well converted to not 
> hearing them as well.
> Phil

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