That is interesting though it is definitly not Star Wars cannon. Darth 
Vader never possessed the power to use force lightning, and Mara never 
completed that level of Sith training to have force lightning either. At 
least not the real Mara.
In Mysteries of the Sith though Mara Jade discovers that before the 
Emperor's death he had ordered a clone of Mara to be made. While the 
real Mara joined the New Republic, became a Jedi Knight, married Luke, 
etc this clone Mara became a Sith and was ordered to kill the real Mara 
and take her place as an agent of the Empire. If you played the game to 
conclusion though the real Mara Jade kills her clone, and she goes on 
with the rest of her life as the books says. If you die, the real Mara, 
and then the clone becomes an Imperial spy.
I can say from personal experience in playing the original Mysteries Of 
The Sith the clone Mara could easily rip you a new one if you didn't use 
a little dirty fighting your self. She would jump around the Sith temple 
shooting off force blind which would cause the screen to go fuzzy, hit 
you with lightning, or use force throw to toss you into a wall. She 
didn't even need a Sith light saber to kick the real Mara's butt.
As I recall the path to victory was basically to put your light saber 
away and  force duel by tossing force stun, force blind, and force 
protect, until you got the clone Mara weakened or stunned enough that a 
quick saber stroke to the head or waiste would eliminate the witch.

Bryan wrote:
> Yeah, I remember there was a Star Wars fighting game or Play Station and you 
> could fight as Mara Jade if you met certain conditions in the game. And you 
> certainly didn't want to be the one fighting her if you were first starting 
> out. She had a lot of the same Lightsaber moves as Luke, but then she'd put 
> away her weapon and she could shoot lightning at you, which is something 
> Vader could also do. I always liked to fight as either Vader or Jade.
> Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.

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