Hi Liam,

I know how much work goes into making games.  And I know that there is even 
more if you are trying to sell them, have on line play or score boards.  
Truthfully I have never bought an accessible game.  However I have never ever 
cracked or run a cracked one either.  I do have a few of the free bees and 
demos that are fun like Bobby's Revenge.  That's just good fun around the 
holidays. <grin>  But anyway, I mostly just make any game that I want to play.  
Since I don't charge for my games I have never been mad about cracking my games 
of course.  Have been mad though when people have totally modded them so that 
they were no longer the game that I worked so hard to create.



There is no such thing as an I Pod E.  Bart Simpson on blackboard.

(440) 286-6920
Chardon Ohio USA
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