Hi Josh,
In fact, on the current version of my web site the name of Star Trek has 
been dropped from the game. Future builds of STFC will be only known as 
Final Conflict, but it it will still probably Star Trek based or at 
least Star Trek-like.
In the next versions I plan to have you command a entire fleet of mixed 
classes of ships from Constitution class ships from the Kirk era all the 
way up to the powerful Sovereign-Class cruisers from the Star Trek 
movies 8, 9, and 10.
So in this new version you might have a mixed fleet of Constitution era 
ships, Excelcior-class ships from the Excelsior era, the 
Ambassador-Class ships, the Galaxy-Class, Sovereign-Class, 
Defiant-class, and may be an Intrepid ship or two.
Each ship would have its advantages and disadvantages. The 
Intrepid-class ships like voyager have extremely good warp technology, 
and has the fastest rated speeds on Federation record, but are less 
armored and carry less firepower into battle than other classes. The 
Defiant-Class is smaller than most ships but is a small armored ship 
with cloaking and stealth technology, and can deliver quite  a heavy 
punch. The Sovereign-Class after the battle in First Contact is the 
front line battleship in the Federation fleet because of its good 
armored hull design, heavy  firepower, but is slower than other classes. 
The Constitution-class and Excelcior-classes were great for their day, 
but there is still enough of them around to use as inexpensive ships to 
fill in odd jobs for the Federation, or to fill in the ranks of a fleet 
in the time of war.
To be able to build new and more advanced classes you might have to have 
a few research bases constructed to pay for research into phaser 
technology, warp technology, torpedo technology, cloaking technology, 
armor technology, or whatever.
The cool thing about the way i am doing this we could even think of 
concept ship classes such as a Sovereign-Class cruiser with a built in 
cloak. That would be wicked as heck.

josh wrote:
> hey thomas,
> ok how about this for the star trek game. just drop the star trek off of the 
> title. just call it final conflict. and then do like you're gunna do with 
> tomb-hunter, just give us krappy sounds in the original game, and then add a 
> sound pack. see then you can kind of sneak around the copyrights but still 
> give us a cool game to play.
> Josh

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