Hi Will,
                                Yes, Mysteries of the Ancients is the game that 
will be offered as a 
replacement for Montozuma's Revenge once the game engine and game play 
is complete. I am currently doing a pretty extensive rewrite and upgrade 
of the side-scroller engine to make it Mac, Linux, and Windows compatible.
Whole I am doing all the upgrades the testers and I have been working on 
ways to make the game more fun, a better game, and the end product will 
likely be a vastly differen tgame than Montezuma's Revenge in a lot of 
respects.  Since I got a lot of flack for copying Montezuma's Revenge 
this is not a bad thing, and the game will likely be a better product in 
the long run.

will lomas wrote:
> so is this the new game that is replacing the montyzoomas game, people  
> paid for?
> so the projects you have are the new game and raceway?
> will

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