You have apparently never had to deal with the frustration he has described 
so many times in his posts dealing with the production of MOTA.  People want 
this.  People want that.  They don't want this.  They don't want that. 
When's the game going to be out?  Where's my unlock key?  Why is it taking 
so long to get the game that I bought so darned long ago?  Some want an 
eighties-style game as they were promised, while others want a more modern, 
even a 3D game instead.  If one is produced, the other side's not going to 
be pleased, and vise versa.  He is only human, and burnout is extremely 
understandable, given the frustration, irritation, and time he has spent on 
a game that isn't turning out to be the game he originally planned or the 
game he wants to produce.

Now that you're off your soap box, try producing a game like Mota under the 
conditions and pressure he has had to deal with and maybe you'll be able to 
see it from his side of the coin.  If you can do a better job, I'll get off 
of my soap box, but not until then.  By the way, I'm stating this as nicely 
as I can, rather than the way I would like to.  Thanks.

This coming Thursday is Thanksgiving day in the United States.  Be thankful 
for, and with, friends, family, good food, and loved ones, not necessarily 
in that order.  Be like a turkey and get stuffed!!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nicol Oosthuizen" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2009 2:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side scrollers was: MOTA Side-Scroller vs FPS

HI  tom
I feel quite upset with your e-mail.
I am going to try and be as polite as possible.
Especially one statement in your e-mail  almost drove me to tears.
"I am fedup."
Let me tell you something quickly.
A little illustration:
Some time ago, a colleague asked if she may  borrow some sugar from me.
She could actually  see on my face that I did not want to borrow it to
her.Then she said that I must just leave it.
Then with a sigh,  I eventually said that she may borrow sugar from me.
Just note what her words were:
"no thank  you. Your sugar in my coffee will taste bad."
Now this is the message I want to give you, tom.
I will not say it in the same rude words that this colleague said, but
if people learn that you are fed up  with the mota development, it will
put them off to buy the game as they will likely experience it in the
game that you actually rushed to get it done with.
I myself will only  buy a game from a dev if I  know the dev really
wanted to develop the game for the vi community.
But from the spirit of your message, Tom, It seems like you do not
really enjoy to develop the game, you just want to get it done and over
with .You just want to keep 100 nagging e-mails off your case.
If you really cannot take it any further, why not rather stop
development of mota entirely?
In any event, with the new development kit of blasbay studios, blind
people should be able  to develop a game similar to mota.
I am off my soap box now.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Thomas Ward
Sent: 29 October 2009 04:10 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Side scrollers was: MOTA Side-Scroller vs FPS

Hi Yohandy,
I really wish it could be that simple. Unfortunately, a game developer
seases to have a private life after he announces he is writing a game.
Sooner or later someone will begin e-mailing him on a regular basis
asking how the game is coming along, what features has he added, when is

the next beta going to be released, can he add this or that feature, you

name it. There is no escaping the constant e-mail from his customers
unless he drops off line for a few months.
In the end it was exactly this constant unwanted mail that caused James
North to just give up and quit. Some people wanted to know what was
going on, some people demanded he produce a demo when they wanted it,
some people wanted their money back, and so on. At the same time he was
dealing with some personal matters, and no one left him alone to deal
with his personal life let alone finish the games as he had time. Now, I

find myself in a similar situation where I don't have much of a personal

life, because I am doing this and that for the game with a constant flow

of e-mails that never quit. No matter what I add to the game, no matter
what I do, there is someone else with a new suggestion, likes or
dislikes what I did, and I am totally fed up with the entire project.
However, unlike james North I'm not going to just quit.
Eventually, I may have to take your advice and just write the game my
way and tell everyone to live with it. Since I'm a nice guy, I try to
listen to my customers, i would hate to do it that way. Yet if I can't
find some sort of consensus I'll do it my way and forget about it.
Although, the consensus seams to be keep MOTA exactly as is. I'm not
sure how i feel about that, but it does make sense.
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