You can, but it's not really necessary. with songs such as the final countdown though, it's probably a bad idea to try strumming the notes and pressing buttons simultaneously as you'll most likely miss most notes since they're so fast. It's a matter of preference whether we strum or not.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Orin" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Rhythm Game Accessibility

You also have to remember that the right hand is used for playing solos with the solo buttons as well.

On Jan 6, 2010, at 4:18 PM, Scott Chesworth wrote:

I think the idea here is to get across the most amount of info with
the least amount of noise over the top of a good song, right?

So, firstly there needs to be a clear distinction between the left and
right hand.
The right hand seems simple enough, as as far as I know we're only
dealing with a down or up strum.  Seeing as down tends to be used more
and traditionally marks accents they should probably stand out
slightly more than upstrokes.  Peccussive sounds make sense to me for
the right hand seeing as we're dealing with rhythm, so perhaps a high
short peccussive noise for an upstroke, and a lower one with a bit
more oomph could indicate a down.

The left hand being less peccussive and more note-based would make
sense seeing as there's a wider set of options to express.  I'd
suggest a short beep is bound to each button, with widely spread
intervals between the choice of note that expresses each button so
that those without good relative pitch still have a fair chance of
distinguishing a fast sequence.  That doesn't solve chords, because a
few short sounds playing at once would be hard to analyse.  Don't
really have a solution for that unless Harmonix's engine sees chords
as being different from just a set of simultaneous notes if that makes
sense.  If it does, it'd give us options.  If it doesn't, I'm stumpt.

All the above probably sounds super annoying on paper, but with a
volume option for it and the ability to switch it on and off with ease
(perhaps in the pause menu if there is one) most VI gamers could
probably find a level to suit them.  Remember that most people will
turn the thing off once they're comfortable with a song anyway.

It's not super eligant, but seems like it could be fairly easy to
integrate for them.  Any takers or better suggestions?


On 1/6/10, Yohandy <> wrote:
yup definitely appreciate that you're willing to speak to them. Now does anyone have any idea of a good method harmonix could use for figuring out the notes? I've been thinking hard but can't come up with an idea that would
actually work, and not annoy the blind gamer to the point that we simply
never enable the feature and play how we're used to doing it. I'm thinking expert difficulty here which the average blind gamer will eventually tackle, and it contains so many notes and chords and such that I'm at a loss as to what could be done. There will need to be a way for us to know what the notes are in advanced, the different fret combinations, and the strumming patterns. I'll also send this to Brandon's list and see if anyone has any

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Chesworth" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Rhythm Game Accessibility

No probs Eleanor, thanks for letting us know.  It's actually a good
thing, gives us more time to get the perfect note to them together.


On 1/6/10, Eleanor <> wrote:
Hi Yohandy & Scott - I just found out that the January meeting of the
IGDA - Boston chapter, is on January 13th. Unfortunately, I will not be
here on that date and so will have to wait till February to get that
message to the Harmonix developer. Sorry about that - they usually have
their meetings a little later in the month than that.
Eleanor Robinson
7-128 Software

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