Hi Will,

No, and nor will there be a Mac or Linux version very soon. The
problem is that the cross-platform G3D engine has compatibility issues
on Windows, it causes a blue screen on exit, because of compatibility
issues with certain video card drivers. As a result it will take
months of rewriting the cross-platform G3D engine to use something
else more stable like SDL 1.2. Although, I could always use SFMl for
Mac/Linux, and DirectX for Windows. In addition, I still currently
don't own a Mac myself so would have to borrow one for the port. This
makes creating a port for Mac almost impossible in the short term.

However, I happen to own a fully operational Linux PC which
fortunately uses similar components as Mac OS. So once the Linux port
is complete it would be somewhat easy to eventually port to Mac OS
provided I get my hands on a fully working Mac system with all the
development tools etc I need.


On 4/5/11, william lomas <will.d.lo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> still no mac version?

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