With a little of lua script, it would be possible to do that with my own text editor as well. There is no autocompletion in the base version, but it is perfectly possible to make a script for that.

My editor is called 6pad, and is fully accessible.
Direct download at http://quentinc.net/6pad/?dl=en121
zip file ~300KB

I primarily made it because editors like notepad++, notepad2, etc. are not 100% accessibles with jaws at the time I started it, and because notepad is too limited in functions.

Quick list of features:
*  Encoding and line ending support
* Search/replace with regular expressions
* Open multiple files in different tabs
* double cursor, smart home, indentation type, double open and concurrent modification protection
* powerful lua scripting with a quite complete API
* small and portable (less than 500KB)

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