I like it. When do you start coding on it? LOL

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Vlasak" <p...@pcsgames.net>
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 4:52 PM

Games We'd like to play.
by Phil Vlasak

Curiosity Mars rover game.
NASA secretly put you inside the rover to help guide it down to the surface
of Mars.

As it enters the atmosphere, you need to uncover the heat shield so it will
start slowing down.
It will reach about 10 gravities of acceleration. You must decide when to
deploy the supersonic parachute, followed by when to ignite the
rocket-powered sky crane, to help slow the rover's speed from more than
13,000 miles per hour to zero in only seven minutes. [
Once the crane is hovering 25 feet from the surface, you have the task of
lowering the rover on three tethers and an electrical umbilical cord until
it sets its wheels down on the Red Planet.
You need to wait 2 seconds to confirm that you  are on solid ground by
detecting the weight on the wheels and you have to fire several small
explosive devices activating cable cutters on the bridle and umbilical cords
to free itself from the descent stage that flies off to crash land.
Then the fun begins. As you travel around in the science Laboratory, along
with the parachute and Sky Crane wreckage, you discover a army of Martian
zombies digging out of the soil, all commanded to destroy you. Armed with a
telescope and laser weapon, you must explore the planet while fighting off
the metal hungry zombies.

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