I would have to disagree with some of this. Especially if you take a group, you can handle areas far higher than your level. Also, it's sometimes important to make sure you use all of your characters abilities. Some of them may not appear to be that useful (such as dirt throwing), but if you can prevent a mob from dodging, or you can make it cast and hit at half the speed, it's often worth the extra mana/hp. As regards the where command, it's honestly not that accurate. Yes, you can get a generic hint as to the area, but don't rely on that heavily. If you find yourself hurt, just flee/retreat and regen. Healing yourself can actually hurt more than it helps, especially at higher levels. One spell that (in my opinion) is absolutely mandatory when soloing is sanctuary. IF you're not sanced, you're going to take more damage than you can handle. With the changes to regen, it's really not that hard to keep sanc up if you're aware of yourself and your stats. I guess basically what I'm saying is that you can do most things in the game if you take the time to plan your approach, and stay aware of what's happening. The surest rout to death is to lose control of your character.

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