Hi tom.

I will confess that me using wrestlers as all purpose figures was just something I generally did, since usually i made up long and complex stories with all sorts of figures and had many that I didn't know the derivation of at all but which looked good, as well as everything from starwarss, ghost busters, heman, wrestlers, Turtles, and goodness knows what else, indeed I must've had over 300 figures as a child collected betwene the ages of 5 and about 15, often bought second hand though some new, and since I didn't tend to break them I had a hole bunch with which i played out increasingly more complex stories.

Indeed I only stopped when i realized I didn't need! figures to make up stories and could do it in my head just as well :d. About the closest I ever got to playing

About the closest I ever got to actually playing wrestlers was when I played various fighting tournament type games, but even then i preferd to make up my own back stories for the characters rather than playing who they actually were, (legion of doom made great cyberpunks).

Getting back to the game though, I fully agree about wrestling fudes and the storyline being a major aspect (indeed as you said yourself given the corriography and match fixing likely the main aspect). While I know something like that would be pretty hard to add to a game without a fairly complex events system that would be hell to write, one thing you could! do for none wwe fans and also to add some flavour would be to include short profiles of each wrestler, which could be read both when the player chooses which wrestler he/she wants to play as, and before each match so that the player knows a bit about the personality, style and aspect of who they are fighting against, thus making matches say betwene a face and a heal have a little more prominance just as they would on roar or smackdown.

These wouldn't need to be too long, perhaps 200 words max, but would just give a little extra to the game.

beware the Grue!


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