On 20/03/12 19:59, Jesse Becker wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 14:52, Daniel Pocock <dan...@pocock.com.au> wrote:
>> On 20/03/12 19:27, Bernard Li wrote:
>>> I don't really want to make a big deal out of this but I thought it
>>> was long agreed that we would tag a release (eg. 3.3.2) and that would
>>> potentially be our "Release Candidate".  If everything is fine, we
>>> will just release as is otherwise we will discard 3.3.2, bump the
>>> version to 3.3.3 and repeat the cycle.
>> I remember that discussion too, and I think was pushing that same
>> argument - that it is easier to burn release numbers than to worry about
>> suffixes
> I agree.  So long as the numbers only increase, the minor release
> number is basically irrelevant.
>> That discussion was held in the days of SVN, when making a tag was quite
>> painful
>> Now we have git,
>> - people can make local tags (almost like bookmarks?) whenever they like
>> - you can make two tags on a single commit, because tags are like
>> symlinks (e.g. 3.3.3rc1 and 3.3.3 both point to the same commit)
>> This comes back to my earlier comments: the tags I have made today (e.g.
>> 3.3.3dp1) are not intended for packaging, it is just a helpful reminder
>> for me to know how I built the tarball for people to test.  I think it
>> is a useful phase in the release process.
>> Once we get to the point where people want to test proper versioned
>> RPMs, then we use a real tag (e.g. 3.3.3) and if the RPMs are proved to
>> be dodgy after that tag is made, then we burn the version number and try
>> 3.3.4
> Now, with RPM releases, it may not be that bad.  RPMs inherently
> support a "release" (in the RPM lingo), which is the least significant
> digit in the complete version number.  If we have a ganglia release of

What is the intention of that release number though?

Is that intended to be maintained by upstream?

Or is it reserved for the packager?

If the Ganglia community releases a tarball called, 3.3.3-2.tar.gz, for
example, then someone building RPM packages might release 3.3.3-2-1

The next day, the packager decides to modify a file location within his
spec file.  He is still using the same upstream tarball.  He bumps his
release number to 2, so it is 3.3.3-2-2.rpm

In this case, the release number is used to distinguish different
versions of a spec file maintained outside Ganglia.

The same type of thing happens with Debian - the Debian maintainers keep
their own artefacts in a repository, and they add a suffix to create the
version numbers of their packages.

One other comment: when I did the MSI packages (with WiX), I discovered
the nasty world of Windows packaging, where you can only have a 4 byte
version number, basically like an IP address, written as A.B.C.D where
each value is between 0-255.  Does anyone still build MSI packages?

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