On 03/20/2012 08:23 PM, Jesse Becker wrote:
>> If the Ganglia community releases a tarball called, 3.3.3-2.tar.gz, for
>> example, then someone building RPM packages might release 3.3.3-2-1
> If the Ganglia project really did release "3.3.3-2.tar.gz", we should
> have our heads examined. :)
> But yes, the resulting RPM could potentiall appear as you described,
> and it would be a mess.
Yes absolutely. Judging from my own experience having built thousands of 
RPMs every time any release number that incorporates non-numbers just 
leads to more or less confusion. Thus for a released tarball I would 
definitely stay away from non-numbers and just stick with something like 
X.Y.Z (X,Y,Z in [0..9]*). And just let the package maintainers (Debian, 
RHEL etc.) maintain the X.Y.Z-R release number ("R") for their package.

> The most complicated, non-contrived version/releases I've see are in
> the kernel RPM packages.  Here are some examples from a production
> Centos 5 host.  First, the full package is shown, including the name,
> version, release and arch of the package:
>    $ rpm -q kernel
>    kernel-2.6.18-194.32.1.el5.centos.plus.x86_64
>    kernel-2.6.18-238.9.1.el5.centos.plus.x86_64
> Now, just showing the version and release:
>    $ rpm -q --qf "%{version}  %{release}\n" kernel
>    2.6.18  194.32.1.el5.centos.plus
>    2.6.18  238.9.1.el5.centos.plus
> This works correctly because of the leading numbers in the release
> tag--even though there is a bunch of extra non-numeric content as
> well.
That is because you really can't put any distro-specific version schemes 
in the RPM "%{version}" number but in "%{release}". That's why RHEL, 
Mandrake etc. define a "%{dist}" that is typically added to %{release}.
And thankfully we have not run into "%{epoch}" here which makes things 
even more complicated..... :-)


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