On Feb 4, 2006, at 12:40 PM, Parker Morse wrote:
The PHP front-end shows a host as "down" if the TN value in the XML report is more than four times greater than the TMAX value:

      if ($host['TN'] > $host['TMAX'] * 4)
         return FALSE;
         $host_up = FALSE;

The trick is figuring out where, in gmond.conf, to change the value of TMAX! I'm betting here:

Thinking about it more, it might be easier to simply change the multiplier in the PHP file from 4 to 10 or something. It would only require changing one file (not multiple gmond.confs) and might be more correct, since the multiplier appears to be a "magic number," while the XML value presumably carries some meaning.


Parker Morse

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