Robert C. Seacord wrote:
> Neil,
> I'm not sure I understand what you mean by the following:
>> A program that does not satisfy this constraint is erroneous, and many
>> compilers take advantage of this constraint to optimize code more
>> effectively. 
> Just because a program contains undefined behavior, does not mean that
> it erroneous.

This is the crux of our disagreement.  To me, and I imagine almost
everyone else on the gcc list, any program that contains undefined 
behaviour is *by definition* erroneous.

It is erroneous because there is no way to determine what the program
should do.  The program is, quite literally, meaningless.

Certainly, a compiler writer can extend the language to give a compiler-
specific definition to that behaviour, in which case it's no longer
undefined.  But that is not true in this particular case.

> One possibility is that GCC could handle these constructs in a
> consistent manner.  That is, GCC clearly implements modwrap semantics.
> Given this, I think the behavior exhibited in this case is inconsistent.
> If, on the other hand, GCC implemented saturation semantics, it
> would make perfect sense to optimize out this check.

gcc implements ISO C semantics, with some extensions.  We could
extend the language in the way you suggest, but it would be very
difficult formally to specify such an extension.  I don't think
it's something we should do.


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