Torvald Riegel <> writes:
> I hate to bring this up, but in my personal experience, getting started
> with LLVM was _much_ easier than with GCC.  LLVM is a much newer
> codebase, so that's an advantage unrelated to the language.

I dunno, I've some experience with LLVM as well, and I actually found
it rather more difficult to "get started with" than gcc...

Part of this is, of course, is that gcc has excellent internals
documentation, whereas LLVM's is almost non-existant, but LLVM's much
more "proper C++" coding style didn't seem to help a whole lot with
making it understandable (and if anything may have made it _worse_).
Gcc's code, while insanely nasty in places (reload...), generally
seems to be written in a straight-forward manner that I found fairly
easy to follow (given some persistence).

Of course C++ could help a little in slimming down gcc's code
(e.g. using constructors/destructors, etc).


Carefully crafted initial estimates reward you not only with
reduced computational effort, but also with understanding and
increased self-esteem.         -- Numerical methods in C,
  Chapter 9. "Root Finding and Nonlinear Sets of Equations"

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