On 08/26/2015 01:11 PM, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
What I usually do with old commit references in comments is map them
to what I call an "action stamp" - a user ID followed by an RFC3339
date.  While this is theoretically not quite adequate, in practice
collisions are rare to nonexistent.

For general identification of commits, as with references automatically added to Bugzilla and such, that makes a lot of sense. So in a git format string, %ce and %cI. And we can map back from such a stamp to the commit by specifying --author as well as --until; is that what you do?

For Jakub or anyone else wanting a key to associate a file with a commit, they can decide for themselves what date format they want to use and whether to bother with the user id. I would think that if he is only interested in commits on the trunk (and so should use log --first-parent), the timestamp is sufficient.


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