On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 6:30 PM David Malcolm via Gcc <gcc@gcc.gnu.org> wrote:
> On Thu, 2021-04-15 at 16:26 -0400, Chris Punches wrote:
> > What I see here in sum is another high level tightly integrated Red
> > Hat
> > employee saying the gist of "I'm really not saying it out of my
> > employer's interest and it has nothing to do with my personal
> > feelings".
> I'm not sure I'm "high level", but I guess I'll take that as a
> compliment.
> I stated that the opinions in my screed were my own, but I'm a former
> FLOSS enthusiast in the fortunate position of being paid to work on
> GCC.  I've tried to be open about my biases.

     Then let me offer my perspective, again.

     I am not affiliated with RedHat, IBM, or what have you. I do not
work for them, never have worked for them, and have contributed to the
C, C++, and other Systems Programming communities entirely
out-of-pocket or through scholarship and donation.

    I submitted my Copyright Revocation to the Free Software
Foundation after giving the greenlight to merge the last of my
already-submitted patches into GCC.

     Stallman is an exceptionally poor leader for Free Software. We
routinely complain about LLVM here but Stallman had the chance to get
on top of LLVM and guide it into the Free Software world; he missed
the e-mail and "found" it 10 years later. Stallman was horrible to the
people employed by the Free Software Foundation and apparently the
board was barely able to keep him in check, resulting in his employees
needing to have Shop Stewards with a Union in order to keep it
workable for employees.

     Stallman is terrible at his job, and this group's inability to
have a secondary or tertiary copyright assignment has cost them my
contributions for the foreseeable future. Stallman's defenders are
ableist, because Stallman himself - in the FSF book and more - have
publicly stated that he is not autistic or neurodivergent. Stallman
has also stated this publicly, but the fact that Bruce Perens, Eric S.
Raymond, and more feel the need to show up and claim on behalf of all
Neuroatypical people and Neurodivergent people that they are fighting
for us while pushing a disgusting, ableist theory that "Neurodivergent
== Definitely An Asshole And Needs To Be Deprived Of Agency For Their
Actions" is disgusting.

     That people feel the need to stereotype neurodivergent people
like me for the sake of Stallman's defense is horrible. That people
would stand by and claim this is some kind of great advocacy for
someone like me is a series of mental gymnastics I do not want to be
apart of. This place is fetid, and contrary to Raymond's idea that
toxicity has no cost, it most certainly did cost it myself and many
other people like me.


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