On Sat Apr 17, 2021 at 7:21 AM BST, Chris Punches wrote:
> I've lived in most states in the US and can confirm exclusionary
> regional cultures not only exist but are more common than the absence
> of them.
> You might not see it in Sioux City, but you'll see it in LA, you'll see
> it in Dallas, Bangor, Miami, Baton Rouge, Chickasha, pretty much
> anywhere you travel to will have that, and some of their elements
> aren't pretty -- they do have one thing common among all of them --
> they are aversive to each other based on perceived lifestyle, legacy,
> and value system superiority.
> California culture has earned theirs as much as any of the other US
> regions have. I would find it difficult to believe that someone who
> didn't notice that had actually been to these places and examined for
> this -- it is no secret, and many people in those places generally
> pride themselves over it.
> I think there may be a tendency in some academic communities to ignore
> or marginilize the prominnence in their worldview the parts of society
> that do not fit within their value systems as well.

I wasn't even implying that these cultures are 'good' or 'bad', just
that they exist and differ from the various regional cultures which
exist all over the world. I think people were quite touchy at my line
of questioning. I recognise that there are differences between i.e.
LA and Seattle or SF and NY, but those differences pale in comparison
to the differences between Moscow and LA, Beijing and NY, or Sydney
and SF -- and those are all still large international cities.

The fact that over 50% of the SC is based in (probably?) urban North
America should give pause to some humility that it may not represent
the truly global nature of hackerdom. On a technical front this isn't
important, but if you're trying to impose *culture* on a global group,
it might be useful to remember that you have a steering group in which
over 50% of its members represent urban North America, but in the
world, only about 2% of the population live in urban North America.

>>= %frosku = { os => 'gnu+linux', editor => 'emacs', coffee => 1 } =<<

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