You have specified that the community does not require my approval or that
of Eric Raymond.  That is true of course.  But many have gone through so
much new age training that they ended up with a very sophisticated way
of bullshitting themselves.


> I'll see my work in GCC11 through (there's one remaining patch review to
> address this week); I don't like leaving things in a half assed state if
> I can avoid it. The work to finish out C++20 library support features
> which passed through the Concurrency and Parallelism study group (SG-1)
> in WG21 on their way to being standardized will be, for now, done in a
> public repo with GPL license sans-FSF assignment. Other work which I
> have initiated to replace the dependency on Thread Building Blocks
> within the Parallel STL algorithms (PSTL); something required for this
> part of libstdc++ to no longer be marked 'experimental' will not be done
> with a GPL license and will not, as a result, be assigned to the FSF.

Using a GPL and assigning copyright are two different things though.

> It is my hope, and expectation, that that work will become part of GCC12
> and GCC13 respectively, and I will know in the fullness of time if that
> expectation is to be met.

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