在 2023-01-31 21:13, Thomas Schwinge 写道:

On 2023-01-30T14:50:08-0800, Steve Kargl via Fortran <fort...@gcc.gnu.org> 
Does the skull and crossbones convey anymore info than the rest of
the subject line

     Buildbot (Sourceware): gcc - failed configure (failure) (master)

They convey as much additional information as does (automated) colorful
syntax highlighting, or (manual) source code line indentation: "none" to
some, "a lot" to others.

First, I'd argue that 'emoji characters imply spammer' makes little sense. Everyone can examine the source of all messages in this thread and their `X-Spam-Status` headers. The fact is that, so far no message had been given a tag for having emoji/bad/obfuscated characters in its subject.

Second, I also agree that the skull carries NO additional information. What happened? Where did it happen? How severe was it? What should we do about it? A skull is neither descriptive nor informative, and is very unfriendly for message filters. A tag there might look much more helpful, such as [BUILDBOT] or [FAIL].

Best regards,

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