Thanks Even,

I think that's the second time you explain me that (sorry, an easy thing to forget), but the docs could be a bit clearer about this. For example

   List all raster formats supported by this GDAL build (read-only and
   read-write) and exit. The format support is indicated as follows:
   'ro' is read-only driver; 'rw' is read or write (ie. supports
   CreateCopy); 'rw+' is read, write and update (ie. supports Create).

so I though the + was for updating

A second point is that the command I used shows a bug in gdalwarp. In that the "lixo.grd" is a grid extracted from one the etopo_something (actually a regrid version created by me) saning [-180 180] [0 90] and the bug is that at dateline there is a stripe of nodata. Since the grid is too big to post in a ticket, can you please try to reproduce this?



The valid formats for the output of gdalwarp are formats that support the
Create() method, not just the CreateCopy() method. This is indicated by (rw+)
: the + indicates that Create() is supported.

The difference between Create() and CreateCopy() is mainly that Create() allows
writing of pixel data in random order, which is needed by gdalwarp.

You can try in 2 steps :
1) gdalwarp -of VRT lixo.grd [other_options] temp.vrt
2) gdal_translate -of netCDF temp.vrt proj.grd

Best regards,



While running this command

gdalwarp -s_srs +proj=latlong -t_srs "+proj=ortho +lon_0=-42 +lat_0=40
+ellps=WGS84" -of netCDF lixo.grd proj.grd

I get

Output driver `netCDF' not recognised or does not support direct output
file creation.  The following format drivers are configured
(a format list where netCDF is not listed)

but if I ask gdalwarp the list of formats, netCDF is listed there as
(rw). Furthermore

gdalwarp --format netCDF
Format Details:
    Short Name: netCDF
    Long Name: Network Common Data Format
    Extension: nc
    Help Topic: frmt_netcdf.html
    Supports: CreateCopy() - Create dataset by copying another.


Joaquim Luis

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