I have a large number of NITF JP2K files. These files have IGEOLO metadata to 
the second accuracy so reprojecting these images leads to poor results. The 
images also have rpc metadata and using the -rpc option in gdalwarp reprojects 
them quite well. These files are source epsg:4326 and need to be reprojected to 
epsg:3857 for display.

I had orginally thought to just create a vrt for each ntf file with the rpc 
information but a tileindex of the vrts is dramatically slower to display in 
MapServer (for a 1:8000 scale area, from ~ 1 sec to over 10 min). It does 
reproject correctly though. Obviously not practical.

I then thought to reproject the vrts to an actual format (geotiff). The problem 
is that the black bounds (which should be nodata but are just near black areas) 
get expanded and aren't handled even when using the nearblack utility on the 
resulting geotiffs.

The best option (if possible) would seem to use the source nitf files but force 
gdal to use the rpc information to reproject (without having to go through the 
vrt process). Perhaps a CPL config option that could be set inside mapserver?

Other suggestions are welcome.


Michael Smith
US Army Corps
Remote Sensing GIS/Center
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