I did originally use -dstalpha. I had dropped it when creating the
geotiffs as I used PHOTOMETRIC=YCBCR as a creation option.

I'll try with -dstalpha and dropping the YCBCR.

Is there a known issue with using the vrts inside a tileindex that makes
it so slow?


This is what I used to convert to tif

gdalwarp -rpc -of vrt -overwrite  -t_srs epsg:3857 -r cubic --config
GDAL_CACHEMAX 500 -wm 500 $1 $1.vrt
   gdal_translate -of GTiff -co "TILED=YES" -co "JPEG_QUALITY=95" -co
YCBCR --config INTERLEAVE_OVERVIEW PIXEL $1.tif 2 4 8 16 32


On 6/17/12 12:38 PM, "Even Rouault" <even.roua...@mines-paris.org> wrote:

>Le dimanche 17 juin 2012 18:24:29, Smith, Michael ERDC-RDE-CRREL-NH a
>écrit :
>> I have a large number of NITF JP2K files. These files have IGEOLO
>> to the second accuracy so reprojecting these images leads to poor
>> The images also have rpc metadata and using the -rpc option in gdalwarp
>> reprojects them quite well. These files are source epsg:4326 and need to
>> be reprojected to epsg:3857 for display.
>> I had orginally thought to just create a vrt for each ntf file with the
>> information but a tileindex of the vrts is dramatically slower to
>> in MapServer (for a 1:8000 scale area, from ~ 1 sec to over 10 min). It
>> does reproject correctly though. Obviously not practical.
>> I then thought to reproject the vrts to an actual format (geotiff). The
>> problem is that the black bounds (which should be nodata but are just
>> black areas) get expanded and aren't handled even when using the
>> utility on the resulting geotiffs.
>> The best option (if possible) would seem to use the source nitf files
>> force gdal to use the rpc information to reproject (without having to go
>> through the vrt process). Perhaps a CPL config option that could be set
>> inside mapserver?
>Did you use the -dstalpha option of gdalwarp, so that the areas in the
>reprojected image that are not part of the source image are marked with a
>alpha value ? -dstnodata could also do it.
>> Other suggestions are welcome.
>> Mike
>> --
>> Michael Smith
>> michael.sm...@usace.army.mil
>> US Army Corps
>> Remote Sensing GIS/Center

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