
I checked some .gpkg database that is created by FME with the validate_gpkg.py 
script. It gives this error:

__main__.GPKGCheckException: Req 5: table stand has column standnumberextension
of unexpected type TEXT ( 2 )

Excerpt from the standard:
Variable length string encoded in either UTF-8 or UTF-16, determined by PRAGMA 
encoding; see http://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_encoding The optional 
maxchar_count defines the maximum number of characters in the string. If not 
specified, the length is unbounded. The count is provided for informational 
purposes, and applications MAY choose to truncate longer strings if 
encountered. When present, it is best practice for applications to adhere to 
the character count. Stored as SQLite TEXT

Unfortunately there is no example in the standard about how the text field with 
maxchar count should be created correctly and how it should appear in the 
PRAGMA. I wonder if the error is caused by the spaces around number 2 in
TEXT ( 2 ).

-Jukka Rahkonen-
gdal-dev mailing list

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