Hi Joe,
Good to see you are out there!
I will look through my books, but I think a standard photo would do for such a severe mix up.
I can scan you a field guide or what ever else I find tomorrow.


Lyle Puente

My Brothers Banned

On Oct 1, 2009, at 5:00 PM, Joseph Loucek wrote:


Where is everybody?  No chatter at all.

I am looking for a taxonomic (dichotomous or otherwise) key to differentiate between Phelsuma m. grandis and P. standingi.

Here's why:

My graduate advisor is doing toepad research (and salamander population studies - that's my thesis topic). He received a shipment of Phelsuma back in the Spring. I just recently went over to see the animals, and instantly recognized that the animal dealer sent him a P.m. grandis and a P.m. ? (maybe kochi, probably grandis) when he paid for standingi.

Before he contacts the vendor, he wants to make sure that there isn't a chance of the two animals in question being standingi. There is no doubt in my mind that they are not standingi, but I can only intuitively tell him the differences, and that is based primarily on appearance. He and I both recognize that there must be some key morphological differences between grandis and standingi - I just don't know them. All my books are buried in a box in my basement during a VERY LONG TERM (too long, if you ask my wife) remodel.

So again, the question is, does anyone have a key that will allows us to positively identify these two animals by morphology (scale counts, toe pad differences, etc.)?



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