Hi all,

I just looked at gekkota.com, though not in great detail. I don't see any reason to abandon the work that has gone into that. A lot of things -- photos, care sheets. sounds, etc., would be the same. I'm thinking it rather needs a makeover or new face, and some things, like discussions and classifieds, probably work better on the forum. But the existing website is a good reference tool. Yes it has broken links, text problems, inconsistencies and typos, but those are not that hard to fix. And believe me, as a professional technical writer I know that whenever anyone changes ANY text, it needs to be checked again because errors have probably been introduced! So even a new website will have these and need them fixed. I have played around with web pages enough to make my own website and help a few friends, and I know basic HTML, but I might not know everything that's involved. But it doesn't look that "broken" to me, and not even that outdated, though it's rather plain -- there are all sorts of websites out there, in all sorts of styles. I also realize that from a web designer's point of view it is more interesting and fun to create something new than to do maintenance on existing code..


On 3/28/2011 11:42 AM, Leann Christenson wrote:
Let me try to illustrate what I think is going on. This is either gonna make
it easier to understand or just confuse everyone.

The GGA pays Hostway each year for space (gga website), bandwidth, and
features (Board listserve).
The space holds our website (o=the GGA web at www.gekkota.com):
space currently used: OOOOOOOOO

Britney was making a new website:

But instead of putting it "unpublished" on the Hostway site, she put the
unpublished GGA website on her own Host company's space.  Naturally she pays
for that space for her own website and 'volunteered' (whether she was aware
of this or not) to put it on her site until it was done.  Her website, her
forum are all at her host site.

GGA's paid storage space at Hostway went utilized by Britney, for reasons I
don't know.

(I don't have web building skills or web master skills, but I went to the
GGA Hostway account management and figured out how to do some simple stuff.
I changed the list serve to be used by the Board and I've updated some GGA

The unpublished GGA site could have been stored at Hostway.  The unpublished
GGA site, once complete, would simply become "published" and the old GGA
site would be "stored".

Recently, I copied Brittney's entire unpublished GGA website on my hard

I am not skilled enough to use her data and incorporate it in the old
website.  But, I can change text in the old website and some pictures.

How do we do a new GGA website?  A skilled web person and create a new GGA
site on their desktop.  The new site can be incorporated into the old one or
simply replace the old one.  Which will they choose to do?  Depends on their
skill levels.


Global Gecko Association
Board of Directors

Global Gecko Association
Board of Directors

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