Here's Samia's proposal:

Hello all,

I am Samia from Morocco, and I am 20 years old. I live and study in Rabat.
Hervé talked to me about the GGA issues with having an effective and modern interface on the Internet. We have both discussed and it appears any website in html would take months and months to be ready.
The forum is the best option.
I need an explanation of the why.
It is much easier and faster to handle, and I'm ready to become the GGA webmaster for this forum,
 if you accept my candidature.
Everything from photos to texts from your old GGA website can be put on the forum; I will take care of that. Hervé will tell me what the exact needs are, but I already know your basic needs and it's really no big deal for me.
This next part I am not sure why she would want to be involved with the day to day operations, or if that is even appropriate. That seems like a good position for a GGA board member or trusted member.
So I ask to be part of the board administration staff, following which Hervé and I, with the others' agreement, will choose moderators both from the US and from Europe to ensure a control over the forum posts. I will need the updated members' lists to activate accounts once the forum is ready. Is it possible to have the e-mail address of each member, and have them use it for their registration to the forum? That way, I would be able check if any new subscriber is registered as a member, and will not accept anybody else unless the President tells me the person applying for membership could be accepted as a forum member.
 Is that OK with you all?
Think we need to discuss this some more. This could probably be done using a membership list by a moderator/admin.
I would also be interested to know more about each one of you. I had a snake once.
LOL! Nice she has a sense of humor. :)
I am not into geckos at all, but it is easier to work with people when you know a bit about who they are, their age, job, etc... Hervé's idea of a forum is great because the association will not have to pay anything for the URL,
 whereas any html website is linked to a paying domain name.
I am waiting for your replies and I am ready to answer any questions about me if you feel like it. So can we make it official that I am a staff member until a vote takes place for the definitive new team?

Greetings from Morocco,


What is everyone else's evaluation? I think we are still fairly deep in working out a game plan for all this to make any commitments at present.


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