Well, from my point of view it's a matter of the integrity of the GGA. We are 
first of all an association which releases scientific publications. I don't 
agree on the idea to accept everyone's money and smile to people who only care 
about their personal profit, not about scientific reseaches and objectivity, 
and who gladly sell future corpses. That's maybe a real American point of view 
"business is business and there's nothing wrong with that", but outside the US 
there are different ways of managing societies. Just suppose we were a society 
on venomous snakes, it's just like we would welcome all illegal keepers as long 
as they pay their fee.
Sorry, but I just can't work under these conditions. Brittney herself admitted 
she was doing wrong by selling all these morphs and intergrades and told me in 
private she wanted to change her collections to other less popular species,but 
without the morph component.
The French have a saying about "money having no particular smell", well, in 
some cases, there are some stinky banknotes. As the ONLY society specialized in 
geckos around the world, I believe we have a moral duty to keep away from any 
wrong practice, from smugglers and from apprentice wizards who try to produce 
expensive but genetically rotten geckos which glow in the dark. If you find it 
elitist, that's not my intention: it's a matter of keeping ethics inside the 
GGA and be exemplar on all sides.
Kind greetings,

 of the Global Gecko Association http://www.gekkota.com
Administrateur du forum 
reptiles, rongeurs et amphibiens Les Dragons d'Asgard 


From: le...@daygecko.com
To: gecko@lists.gekkota.com
Subject: RE: [gecko]GGA Forum & Website - now "who you are"
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 08:08:31 -0500

Thank you, Chuck, for pointing out to all of us: (including the
tyrant bitch <pardon my language> Leann) time to act the board
members we are.


The GGA represents everyone in the gecko world:  Leann (writer
of the "Idiots Guide to Phelsuma"), Hervé (French gecko keeper), Repashy,
Seipp and Chris Mackey (first time gecko keeper).  The GGA is about all of


As board members, when we represent GGA, we have to put down the
swords and welcome any gecko enthusiast.  


Jon and Julie, appear to have put away their differences
and seem to be working harmoniously.  It doesn't matter what they
thought of each other four weeks ago or today, any gecko person looking in from
the outside may simply believe they are two gecko people working on the GGA


That is they way it should be.


God bless you Hervé, you are opinionated, crass, charming, enthusiastic
but sometimes very unreasonable.  I am not giving up on you…or caving in
to you.  ….or Chuck, or Neil, or Jon, or Julie, or anyone!


Boards are not "yes" or "no" groups, or black
and white about a topic, or set in one view.  Boards are about negations,
working things out, doing for the best for the greater number, never forgetting
the minority.  


When I brought up "a money hole" I hoped I was acting
like a treasurer and not the bossy Leann.  I'll try to be more even handed with
my words. My sledge hammer is put away.  


I've made apologies to most all involved in the famous
"letter".  My behavior was terrible.  I am here now to do the best I
can, with everyone else, to make GGA work.


I don't know Repashy personally.  It's anyone guess how I feel about
his products.  But as a GGA Board member, I want his $32 membership and all his
friend's memberships.  He must be well known if the name Repashy makes some
people mad and others happy.  As a GGA rep, I am here to welcome him.


War is over, friends.  Time to work.


Cookies at my house at 8:00 pm.













gecko-ad...@lists.gekkota.com [mailto:gecko-ad...@lists.gekkota.com] On
Behalf Of Hervé Saint Dizier

Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2011 11:25 PM

To: mailing list GGA

Subject: RE: [gecko]GGA Forum & Website


"being part of the hobby" means to agree on producing willingly
genetically deficient animals with genetic diseases such as albinism or
man-created genes (I bet you have heard of the enigma gene causing awful damage
to leopard geckos- check on Youtube for very clear videos about the effects of
such a gene), just to make money on the back of geckos which end up with
multiple toes and severe degenerescence issues, then I'm not into the hobby.
It's not a matter of liking something or not; Chuck, as a scientist, you know
it is just the objective truth. Anyway, let's stick to the real debate.






Editor of the Global Gecko Association http://www.gekkota.com

Administrateur du forum reptiles, rongeurs et amphibiens Les Dragons d'Asgard 

From: powe...@sbcglobal.net

Subject: RE: [gecko]GGA Forum & Website

To: gecko@lists.gekkota.com

Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2011 20:42:12 -0700

  No offense is ment and I'm taking this to you personally.
   I don't think the statement below should be expressed to the GGA board.
   The GGA is here for the entire gecko community accomplished breeders
  and newbe's.  Lots of people here in the US use it and at least one of
  the board members sells it.  It makes you should like a gecko snob and I
  don't think that's the face we want to show the gecko community.  
  Making money with geckos by breeding designer morphs is
  just part of the hobby - like it or not.  


  Charles & Barbara Powell

  American Dendrobatid Group



  --- On Sun, 3/27/11, Hervé Saint Dizier <hsaintdiz...@hotmail.com>

  From: Hervé Saint Dizier <hsaintdiz...@hotmail.com>

  Subject: RE: [gecko]GGA Forum & Website

  To: "mailing list GGA" <gecko@lists.gekkota.com>

  Date: Sunday, March 27, 2011, 7:16 PM
  Repashy? Hahahaha. Most qualified and advanced breeders
  will tell you his products are not  good to feed geckos, and that he is
  making the worse things ever in the Rhacodactylus genus with his crazy
  "high end" race to make money on genetically deficient animals.
  Noobs may find it interesting to feed a gecko just like they would feed their
  dog, but it is not so simple. Ask Willi Henkel, Robert Seipp, Jon or other
  people with many years of experience on Rhacs and you'll see things under a
  totally different angle. 



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