Howdy, all.  It's time for a thought on code cleanliness

1) It's probably a good idea for us to start documenting the functions 
we write and the APIs we create.  For one, it's a reminder to think 
about what specific problems the function/API is solving.  Beyond that, 
it helps someone unfamiliar with the code figure out what's going on, 
and it helps them avoid misusing a particular function.  That will help 
keep the code clean because it'll decrease the likelihood that we have 
to disentangle two bits of code that shouldn't have been coupled in the 
first place.  As mentioned in CODING, we use doxygen.

Note that my intention here isn't to have folks pick through the code 
and document _every last thing right now_.  But rather, it's for people 
to document the code that they're working with, working on, and writing, 
as they do so.

2) We need to have a maximum line length.  It can be long, sure, but 
it's pretty obscene when there are lines so long that they wrap on my 
26" widescreen monitor (layout_util.c is a pretty bad offender).  I'm 
going to suggest 160 characters; see * below.

3) Indentation.  First, we should probably document the size of the tabs 
(currently 8 characters, at least from the one file I'm looking at). 
Secondly, it would take a lot of effort to switch, but I think we should 
at least consider a more compact indentation format.  I'm personally a 
fan of 4 spaces.  But I think that the width of our indents is a 
contributing factor to the immense lengths of lines in our code.

* Below is a histogram of line lengths in our .c files.  I think 160 
characters is sufficiently long that it won't be _too_ much of a chore 
to shorten all of the super-long lines, but it's still short enough to 
be feasible on most of today's monitors.

16:28:27> [xsdg{intercal}@~/files/compile/photos/gitqi/src]
$ruby -e 'lc ={|h,k| h[k] = 0}; ARGV.each{|f|{|l| l.gsub!(/\t/, " "*8); lc[l.length/10] += 1}}; 
csum = 0; lc.sort.each{|(x,y)| csum += y; printf "%3d-%3d: %s %d\n", 
10*x, 10*(x+1)-1, y.to_s.ljust(5), csum}' *.c
   0-  9: 26174 26174
  10- 19: 8520  34694
  20- 29: 12967 47661
  30- 39: 11622 59283
  40- 49: 7885  67168
  50- 59: 6237  73405
  60- 69: 5867  79272
  70- 79: 5349  84621
  80- 89: 3516  88137
  90- 99: 1951  90088
100-109: 1120  91208
110-119: 579   91787
120-129: 313   92100
130-139: 93    92193
140-149: 43    92236
150-159: 21    92257
160-169: 20    92277
170-179: 18    92295
180-189: 23    92318
190-199: 36    92354
200-209: 59    92413
210-219: 39    92452
220-229: 5     92457

** an expanded version of the ruby one-liner above:
ruby -e 'counts ={|h,k| h[k] = 0};  # default value of 0
     line.gsub!(/\t/, " "*8);  # count a tab as 8 spaces
     counts[line.length/10] += 1  # histogram with bucket size 10
csum = 0;  # cumulative line counts
counts.sort.each{|(range, count)|
   csum += count;
   printf("%3d-%3d: %s %d\n",
     10*range, 10*(range+1)-1, count.to_s.ljust(5), csum)
}' *.c


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