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*March for West Papuan Independence *

On Friday (01/12), dozens of demonstrators gathered in Central Jakarta to
demand West Papuan independence from Indonesia. Marchers brought posters
and sang traditional West Papuan songs in defiance what the demonstrators
see as a foreign occupation of the territory. (JG Photo / Yudha Baskoro)

*By : JG <http://jakartaglobe.id/author/yudhi/>* | on 11:42 AM December 04,
*Category : Eyewitness <http://jakartaglobe.id/photos/eyewitness>,
Multimedia <http://jakartaglobe.id/photos/multimedia>, Photos

*Jakarta. *On Friday (01/12), dozens of demonstrators gathered in Central
Jakarta to demand West Papuan independence from Indonesia. Marchers brought
posters and sang traditional West Papuan songs in defiance what the
demonstrators see as a foreign occupation of the territory.

"We're not Indonesian, we're the Morning Star, the Morning Star, you've
just said red and white," demonstrators chanted, referring to West Papua's
historical flag.

Marchers, members of the Papuan Student Alliance and the People's Front of
Indonesia for West Papua, also demanded that the Indonesian government
force US-based mining giant Freeport McMoran to shut down operations in the

The demonstration came on the eve of West Papua's first declaration of
independence on Dec. 1, 1961.

"The relationship between Papua and Indonesia is like an illegal marriage,"
said one activist.

"We are different from Indonesia, it's been a long time. You are white, we
are black, your hair is straight, we are curly, we are brothers or you just
want our own natural wealth," an orator shouted in front of a police

"After Dec. 1, 1961, [former president] Soekarno declared the Trikora 19
days later in Yogyakarta to seize West Papua and dissolve the country,"
said Surya Anta, spokesman for the People's Front of Indonesia for West

In fact, Trikora was the name given to the Indonesian military operation to
invade and annex the Dutch territory of New Guinea, which lasted nine

Demonstrators planned to march to Freeport's offices in Kuningan, South
Jakarta, but were stopped by police in front of the Megaria cinema in the
center of the city.

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