I definitely intend to do more along these lines, I haven't had a chance
in a while and these have been sitting around. I want to get them moving
now that the X86_FS O3 regression is in so the don't bit rot too badly.

One thing I didn't mention in the commit message for the decoder change
was that this is also a transitional step to combine SE and FS. i'm
thinking there will be some state in the decoder which will make it
return SE or FS flavors of instructions, which more or less just boils
down to the system call instructions and maybe one or two others. Right
now these tend to be preprocessor based decisions "#if FULL_SYSTEM" but
they could be compile time constant decisions "if (FULL_SYSTEM)" or even
run time if FS and SE coexist "if (fullSystem)". fullSystem or something
like it would live in the decoder and (I'm imagining) be in scope in the
decode function.

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