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Congrats on getting MIPS_FS to work and taking the next step in the development 
of the MIPS ISA!

When you are ready, we'd love to get your patches on the reviewboard and get 
them committed. I'm sure there are enough "gem5 experts" around to help figure 
out a good way to merge in your changes.

Perhaps most importantly, we also need to get at least a regression test of 
MIPS_FS linux-boot so that your good work can be preserved in the future.

- Korey

On 2012-01-09 09:27:42, Deyuan Guo wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> http://reviews.m5sim.org/r/980/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated 2012-01-09 09:27:42)
> Review request for Default.
> Summary
> -------
> Hello everyone!
> I'm Deyuan Guo, and I'm from Institute of Microelectronics, Tsinghua 
> University, Beijing, China.
> Recently, my colleague, Zhengxing Li, has successfully booted a linux 3.1 
> kernel in gem5-stable by using MIPS_FS, and I did a merge with the newly gem5 
> r8682.
> The changes are mainly in the following areas:
> 1. FSConfig.py and src/dev/mips: 
>     We don't use Malta devices, but using the RealView/amba devices, which 
> are similar to the ARM_FS system. The MipsSystem.py and system.cc/hh in 
> arch/mips/ and arch/mips/linux should be modified relevantly.
> 2. TLB:
>     Because MIPS does not distinguish between ITB and DTB, some related codes 
> should be modified, such as tlbwi/tlbwr, Random register, TLB::insertAt, 
> Asid, etc.
> 3. decoder.isa:
>     Some instructions need to be implemented, such as wait, rdhwr, etc.
> 4. Some other unimplement functions, such as interrupt, remote gdb, etc.
> 5. Linux kernel:
>     linux-3.1-rc4 and busybox-1.19.3 are selected. The mips cross compiler is 
> from CodeSourcery.
> Below are some existing bugs related to MIPS_FS based on gem5 r8682 version. 
> We are planning to submit all of the MIPS_FS patches later, maybe after our 
> Spring Festival. 
> Moreover, we have done a MIPS64 extension in gem5. The mainly changes are ISA 
> definitions, register file definitions, and the register accessing interfaces 
> between ISA and CPU. We want to submit this together, but the problem is that 
> the 64-bit floating registers may be not compatible with the other ISAs in 
> gem5.
> Here a bug should be specially mentioned:
>             tc->pcState(this->vect(tc));
>             setTlbExceptionState(tc, this->code());
> Change to:
>             Addr vect = this->vect(tc);
>             setTlbExceptionState(tc, this->code());
>             tc->pcState(vect);
> If we set the pcState before setTlbExceptionState, the EPC in 
> setTlbExceptionState will be error.
> If we set the pcState after setTlbExceptionState, the status.exl flag changed 
> in setTlbExceptionState will affect the value of this->vect(tc), then make 
> pcState error.
> Therefore, we must get the value of vect() before setTlbExceptionState, and 
> set pcState after.
> At last, Thank you for providing such a good research platform:)
> -- guody
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/arch/mips/faults.hh 93c6317af258 
>   src/arch/mips/faults.cc 93c6317af258 
>   src/arch/mips/tlb.cc 93c6317af258 
> Diff: http://reviews.m5sim.org/r/980/diff
> Testing
> -------
> $ ./m5term localhost 3456
> ==== m5 slave terminal: Terminal 0 ====
> Linux version 3.1.0-rc4
> ...
> Please press Enter to activate this console. 
> BusyBox v1.19.3 (2011-11-22 17:27:10 CST) built-in shell (ash)
> Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
> # ls
> bin      dev      home     lib      mnt      root     sys      usr
> boot     etc      init     linuxrc  proc     sbin     tmp      var
> # pwd
> /
> # 
> Thanks,
> Deyuan

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